High Holiday Food Drive
*Items needed by October 11th*
Help us with our Kol Nidre food collection for A Place to Turn in Natick—a choice food pantry that takes pride in offering its Metrowest clients a friendly and dignified experience.
Requested items include diapers of all sizes, diaper wipes, canned pineapple, ground coffee, 1 lb dry black beans, mac & cheese, cereal, spaghetti, granola.
All items must NOT be expired.
Please bring your non-perishable food items before Kol Nidre services on Friday, October 11, 2024 and place in the back of the Social Hall.
Questions: socialaction@congregationoratid.org
Thank you from the Social Action Committee!
Wed, February 19 2025 21 Shevat 5785